Our Philosophy
The task of education is to guide children toward a true understanding of themselves as well as the world. For the Christian, this understanding should be centered in the reality of God as the Creator of all which exists and God as the Source of all Truth.
The Imago School approaches every subject from this point of view, and utilizes teaching methods that consistently follow the biblical perspective of humanness. Children receive training which allows them to live as the uniquely gifted individuals which God created them to be.
“I have nothing but wonderful memories of my Imago years.”
Seeking to fulfill this goal, authentic Christian education encompasses the rational, the moral, and the creative aspects of human personality. Children are encouraged to be responsible thinkers and choosers, to be active in the world, and to obey God’s command to care for His creation.
A good education trains minds to grasp and communicate God’s natural and revealed truth clearly and well. Learning to think well requires that students master the skills of reading, writing, and arithmetic. Not only is it important that they learn how to think about and express ideas, but they must also be given something to think about. Therefore, these tools of learning are studied in the context of worthwhile content. This is why, at Imago, our curriculum is designed to introduce them to the great body of knowledge at the heart of Western thought and culture. We acquaint our students with the great writings of the past and present, teach them to understand the natural world through science, and expose them to the great artistic achievements of man through music and the visual arts. We also give each student opportunity to develop his or her own creative skills because we believe this is an important part of their complete education.
Our Mission
Imago serves Christ’s Church by seeking to be an exemplary educational institution that helps parents equip their children to be articulate, bold, compassionate and discerning in the work of reclaiming the world for the glory of God.
The Imago School has a two-fold mission:
First, we desire to equip our students with the classical tools of learning through an exceptional education rooted in the deep cultural and spiritual heritage of Western civilization, enabling them to understand the past, engage the present, and form the future to serve God and neighbor to the best of their abilities. It is our goal to develop a student body that is
excited and challenged by learning
inquisitive and generous in mind and heart
healthy in body
growing to be fully alive to the glory of God
Second, as a natural outworking of the first goal, we hope to support:
Faithful Christian families and teachers from diverse churches and communities, cultural and financial backgrounds, who seek to pray and work together to educate their children and renew their communities with a common, core commitment to historical orthodox Christian faith.
A community of learning that seeks continually to understand and compassionately engage and serve the world, according to Christ’s teaching to love one’s neighbor.
In these two ways, The Imago School serves Christ’s church by seeking to be an exemplary educational institution that helps parents equip their children to be articulate, bold, compassionate, and discerning in the work of reclaiming the world for the glory of God.
“The task of education is to guide children toward a true understanding of themselves as well as the world.”
Statement of Faith
We affirm that:
A personal, loving, triune God exists as the source of all truth about reality.
God created everything which exists to glorify Him. Each person is made in the image of God as a creative and unique individual.
The Fall, man’s initial rebellion against God, has affected all creation and alienated the human race from the Creator.
God reveals truth about Himself and reality, both within the natural world and in His written word, the Bible.
The Bible is true in every area that it addresses.
Our hope and our reason for life are rooted in the redemptive work of Christ.Christ’s sacrificial death provides forgiveness and the means of reversing the effects of the Fall.
An understanding of truth is not enough to save us; we must bow before God as creatures and sinners, and accept His gift of forgiveness in Christ.
The Imago School is a longstanding member of the Association of Classical and Christian Schools.